SSIS Catalog Compare 2022

SSIS Catalog Compare is designed to manage the data integration lifecycle and enterprise DevOps for SSIS.

SSIS Catalog Compare supports Data Integration Lifecycle Management (DILM) and DevOps for SSIS. Data architects and developers tell us SSIS Catalog Compare increases confidence and saves time.

This video shows how to use SSIS Catalog Compare for SSIS DevOps, promoting code via scripting: 

This video highlights the DILM Deployment Utility and demonstrates one way to practice SSIS-Catalog-as-Code methodology for enterprise data integration:

Subscribe to SSIS Catalog Compare today! 

“How can I know my SSIS Catalog in Production matches my QA Catalog or my Azure-SSIS Integration Runtime Catalog in ADF or Synapse?”

“One deployment package took 40 minutes to deploy – given the task to deploy over 400+ SSIS packages – that took a very long time – longer than I had for the deployment of the project. When I found the Catalog Compare tool, it took the deployment of 400 packages to 3-5 minutes per package (or less) with repeatable results in each environment. It’s simple and you can check your code in after you are done or give it to someone else to deploy without lengthy training and explanations on how to deploy the package correctly with variables and environments for each server. It’s a super time-saver with a ‘keep it simple’ front end to compare against development, QA, or Production environment.” – ETL Architect

“I tried to reconcile two SSIS Catalogs for a week. I used SSIS Catalog Compare and was finished in less than one hour.” – Enterprise Architect

“Hey, I demoed Catalog Compare to [a team member] and [another team member] last Thursday and it ended up saving them hours of work. I looked like a hero and so did you.” – Enterprise Data Engineer

New Editions!

There are two editions of SSIS Catalog Compare but only Enterprise is available:

  1. Standard
  2. Enterprise

SSIS Catalog Compare 2022 Community Edition?

People often as, “Is there a free or Community Edition of SSIS Catalog Compare 2022 available?” The answer is, “Almost!” SSIS Catalog Browser shares the SSIS Catalog viewer functionality – the unified surface – with SSIS Catalog Compare. SSIS Catalog Browser is (much) less expensive.

SSIS Catalog Compare 2022 Standard Edition (Coming Soon)

SSIS Catalog Compare 2022 Standard Edition includes the following functionality:

  • Unified surface to view SSIS Catalog artifacts
  • Compare configurations metadata in two SSIS Catalogs
  • Generate scripts and ISPAC files for SSIS Catalog artifacts, including:
    • Catalog Folders
    • SSIS Projects (and Packages)
    • Catalog Environments and Environment Variables
    • SSIS Project (and Package) References and Reference Mappings
    • SSIS Project (and Package) Literals
  • Deploy SSIS Catalog artifacts (listed above) between SSIS Catalog instances – including Azure-SSIS. You can use SSIS Catalog Compare to “lift and shift” enterprise SSIS to the cloud.

Contact us for more information about SSIS Catalog Compare Standard Edition.

SSIS Catalog Compare 2022 Enterprise Edition

SSIS Catalog Compare Enterprise Edition includes the all Standard Edition features (listed above) plus the DILM Deployment Wizard to manage SCCPAC file deployment. SCCPAC files are SSIS Catalog Folder content files conveniently packaged in a single file. SCCPAC files may be deployed using the new DILM Deployment Wizard., as shown here:

In SSIS Catalog Compare 2022 Enterprise Edition, script generation includes SCCPAC file creation. SCCPAC files contain SSIS Catalog artifacts associated with an SSIS Catalog Folder.

Contact us for more information about SSIS Catalog Compare Enterprise Edition.